About The mobile massage man
I am Duncan Meachin, The Mobile Massage Man and Advanced Hypnotherapist and have been in practice since 2000.
I studied Full Body Massage, Indian Head Massage and Reflexology at Bury College and further to this I qualified as a personal trainer for post operative care and injury fitness training at City College, to enable people to get back to full standard of fitness for work.
Over the following 3 year period I studied Reiki to get my Master Teacher qualification. I also studied at the Northern College of Creative Hypnotherapy to become an Advanced Hypnotherapist and thus I have a wide range of treatments available.
Our Services
KanooteSoft help them with migration of full website to new server and helped them in hosting and domain services. Also our customer was facing difficulty in some pages where they can’t be able to change prices and testimonials by themselves via cms so we sorted the cms as well of this website for them. Also we fix many designing, Optimization, Responsive design (to support all size devices) issues to make website look nice and work properly.
Visti Website: The Mobile Massage Man